Klein and Brooks save the day?Hope this is really true!
Hey there - not to be all wishy washy about this but it looks like Concussion might not be a bag after all. Our esteemed colleagues Brendan Klein and Brooks Fritz have manned up and want to take over the mag from the two aging, bitter retards and make it more radical and shoot for a younger, hipper demographic. Just kidding about the demographic part, not so much about the aging bitter retards part ;) Anyway we're getting started on the next issue right now so if you have any budget left for this year and you'd still like to advertise with us, we'd love your support. I know that some of you transferred money around or cut your budget when we said we were going to stop publishing, so if that is the case then so be it. We'll do our best to beg and plead if we can, so please please get in touch with me and let me know if you would like to make it into #41 or if you can't do it due to budget concerns, etc. We'll do our best to make it happen. The drop dead ad deadline is Friday April 3, which is about 3 1/2 weeks from now. We are still working out the details and at the very least I'll be managing the production of this issue, but Brendan and Brooks will get brendan@concussion.org and brooks@concussion.org email addresses this week so you can start speaking with them about any future projects. More as it unfolds but that's today's news. Oh, and Happy St. Paddys Day, remember it's days like today where you should not drink and drive!
XOXO - Davoud