This lucky couple walked away with a Sacrifice Stimulus deck among other things at a benefit that took place at The Burger Bowl for Kaylie Hayes, a little 5 year old girl that is in need of medical diagnosis and treatment for a behavioral disorder that plagues her. The money raised went towards Kaylie's treatment at UCI.
Lyle and Becky hosted the event and as always made sure everyone was having a good time. A suggested donation at the door got you some good food and all the beer you could drink. A raffle also raised some money. Despite the threat of rain, it was a good turn out.
If you'd like to make a donation, go to PayPal and use this e-mail address: r.w.hayes@live.com
or send a check to: PO Box 18685 Main St. Suite 101 PMB 224 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1719